
Showing posts from September 6, 2012

General Shinseki at the DNC

Last week it was the Republican Convention.   This week it is the Democrats’ turn.   I have to admit that I have not exactly kept myself glued to the television watching these events.   After all, these conventions are not really what they used to be.   There are no floor fights, there are no credential challenges, and they do not truly nominate candidates.   Instead, what they actually do is coronate a party headliner.   That is not to say that there are not important or at least entertaining speeches taking place.   Last night, Wednesday night at the Democratic event, was a good example I am not talking about the speech by former President Bill Clinton.   He had a lot to say, and he is a great orator and cheerleader for his party.   But I missed it.  I did, however, listen to General Eric Shinkseki, wounded warrior and now Secretary of the Veterans Administration.  General Shinseki is noteworthy for a few things.   One, he...