
Showing posts from November 21, 2020
RESPONSE TO SENATOR DEB FISCHER (R-NE) Senator Fischer,       While I appreciate your response to me, I am deeply troubled by your letter, dated November 20, 2020, which is copied below. Here is my rationale. 1. In paragraph 2, you state that "more than 70 million votes cast for each party’s ticket." That is factual, but it is also somewhat deceptive. In fact, as of this date (November 21), Joe Biden has earned 79,824,643 votes, while Donald Trump has earned 73,787,805, a difference of more than 6,000,000 votes. In terms of percentage, Biden has captured 51.1% and Trump 47.2%. For comparative purposes, recent elections with similar margins of victory include the 2008 and 2012 Obama victories, the 1988 Bush Sr. victory, and the 1980 and 1984 Reagan victories. So, yes, both Biden and Trump received over 70 million votes, but the fact is Biden's victory compares with these historic landslides. 2. In paragraph 3, you say that voter turnout in Nebraska was 74%, but it was 76%....