IS OUR FUTURE BLEAK? (Updated on July 18, 2024)
Is Our Future Bleak? NOTE: I am updating this on July 18, 2024 After President Biden gave a good press conference on July 11, 2024, I am left both reassured and troubled. The reassuring part is this: we have a current president who understands foreign policy and that understanding is built on a long career in the United States Senate. It is also built on his own belief in the value of collective defense with allies. NATO stands as a shining example of a necessary defense treaty organization that is, in real-time, helping stem the advance of the new Russian Empire into Ukraine. President Biden is right: no one thinks that Putin would stop at Ukraine. The reason Finland and Sweden have both joined NATO since 2022 is that they know that Putin is dangerous. They know that a lot more than most Americans do about Putin and his intentions. And keeping NATO intact is vital to the stability of the West. That Joe Bid...