Gay Rights and Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs
Gay Rights and Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs When you were growing up, did you go to church on Sunday? Did you go to church on Sunday morning and then on Sunday evening and then on Wednesday night? Did you go to VBS, or Vacation Bible School? Did you go to summer Bible Camp? Have you ever "gone forward" at the end of an emotional "alter call" and ask for forgiveness of sins? Do you still remember all the verses of Martin Luther's "A Might Fortress is Our God?" or at least the English translation of it? Do you know what a "sword drill" is? (For the uninitiated, that is where your Sunday School teacher calls out Bible verses, and the first kid to stand up and recite it wins that round). Do you know John 3:16 by memory? If you answered in the affirmative to those questions, you probably grew up Evangelical, like I did. Well, technically, I only became Evangelical in the 9th grade, but I was heavily influenced by Evangelical...